
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Inviting the Child Jesus and His Friends to Guide Us

We're reading The Greatest Story Ever Told as a family during Lent, and it has our oldest daughters rapt. The seven-year-old keeps confessing that she swiped the book and read many chapters ahead the previous night, leaving her with no choice but to listen again as I catch up on behalf of the four-year-old. (And the four-year-old usually falls asleep first, meaning I have to recap again the following night. Kids keep us on our toes, no?)

Tonight we began the second section, titled A Boy in Nazareth. This book is a fictionalized account of Jesus' life, true to sacred scripture and church teaching. It's masterfully done --- simple enough that my very young children are absorbing the plot and tone, but engaging enough that I look forward to reading it aloud. There are brief accounts of Jesus' childhood behaviors, mention of the strict lifestyle Joseph and Mary must have maintained as faithful Jews, and a detailed account of Herod's last days before death. Tonight we read about Jesus scampering about climbing rocks and exploring caves, getting dusty, dirty and dutifully learning His scrolls. I've not read Saint Therese's story, but I'm drawn to it mostly because she feels so foreign. The firecrackers and the mouthy ones make sense to me, but Therese's power dwarfs much of theirs because it so mirrors The Child.

My husband began his work as a salesman under a broker in Wasilla, and Anthony would sometimes remark that Darcie had power chiefly because he never exerted it. Now, I'm not comparing realtors to saints (hey, there's hope for us all!), but people like this are worth a close study. If opposites attract, the Communion of Saints has a match for each of us.

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