
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Little Book Room

Hands down, the best bedtime read aloud (our older girls are 4 and 7) I've ever owned. I'm thankful to a friend who passed it along...

Heady truths are distilled through imagery and simple, quick tales that are bringing tears to my eyes each night.

We read chapter books during the day, but our bedtime needs these comforting and thoughtful stories, in complete form. (Mysteries like Trixie Belden just wind my kids up and freak them out at the chapter breaks, meaning I have to keep reading into the next chapter and stop at a weird spot to sufficiently kill the suspense.) +1 for Eleanor Farjeon!

1 comment:

  1. I should clarify this post's inclusion with Cat Stevens' lyrics --- one of my favorite blog tags. Eleanor Farjeon, who authored and compiled The Little Book Room, wrote "Morning Has Broken".
