
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hearts and Treasures

Pieta ("pity") by Michaelangelo
As Lent begins tomorrow, I'm faced with my favorite distractions and the very net loss they are in my life. So they go, for a brief season. Even before I converted to Catholicism (seven years ago this Easter), I appreciated a Lenten fast and have remained drawn to the strict discipline of our call to pray, fast and give beyond our comforts. A chaser of novelty, I have to regularly examine my motives and ask God to direct my heart towards His purpose alone. Our pastor made the observation this Sunday that all of this is utterly pointless without doing it for the right reason: intimacy with our suffering Christ and purification of our hearts.

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Let your loins be girt and lamps burning in your hands." Luke 12:34-35

We are an Easter people! God bless you and those you love. I'm not online during these next forty days, but have blog posts set to auto-publish here which I hope you'll find worthwhile.

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