
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real}


These are my favorite homeschooling moments, second only
to enthusiasm about math. Quiet creativity! The flannel board and felt stories are a special memory of my own childhood. The attraction seems to be timeless, since our girls sometimes spend hours organizing the shapes and entertaining themselves.

My brother visited last week on his way home from Bering Sea crabbing,
and guess whose nieces were treated to a shopping spree? Out. of. control.
As only a 28-year old bachelor uncle can be...
I knew better than to assist -- hey, he even wrangled the two-year old through the aisles! They're working on thank-you cards, still swooning
over his fun and generosity.


And how is this funny, you ask? Wait for it ...


Happy Thursday!

More? Ask and receive.

round button chicken


  1. I loved playing with feltboards when I was little :) Glad to see they're still around!

    (linked from Like Mother, Like Daughter)

  2. Loved the real! I have even seen that funny photo on Pinterest and wondered how it is possible to have magazine-looking homes with kids living in them?!

  3. Magazine show homes are funny! At least at this stage for us - but it's nice to dream ;-)

  4. If Misty hadn't let the cat out of the bag about that being from Pinterest, I would have thought you had a fabulous sitting room and really just needed to finish picking up your kitchen!

  5. I didn't even see that little boy in the pretty red picture, now that's funny!

  6. Oh I was totally thinking, wow what an amazing room! Our dog keeps eating our feltboard shapes!
