
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ballot Box Stuffers, Unite!

You may have noticed that I've put up a poll (to the right of this post), asking for input on topics to write about. I enjoy blogging and look forward to becoming better at it. It seems to be its own genre, and the freedom and personal style both appeal to me.

So far, three veins have attracted me: newsy Alaska tidbits, the Catechism and other formal Church documents, and how Catholic moral thought has impacted my family.

Once a week, maybe on Mondays, I'll write in a different direction than Catholic theology filtered through current events. Although as Devout Snark Ambassador Mindy G once said (something like this), "Oh, are there people who want to discuss things besides Catholic theology? hm. I guess that's possible." The spectrum of thought-provocation that modern life provides is indeed great. Challenge me, dear reader. Let me know what else you'd like to read about in this space.

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